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"Aliens Against Peasants"

 Personal Small Game Concept

My position : Game Designer

"Aliens Against Peasants" is a Game Concept Document of 8 pages explaining in detail a concept of mine. 

It would be a Top Down Tower Defense Game about an alien race invading Earth to take back what is rightfully theirs, the Holy Hay, a heavenly product that has lead to world peace between humans.

The Gameplay is divided into two parts, Defense and Offense :
First the Aliens invade Earth through portals, and the Peasants (you) must defend your Holy Hay by placing down different towers and buildings.
Once you've successfully defended your ownings, you invade back, into their homeworld through their own portals, and this time have to steal their advanced technology, and to do that, you must balance your money and your summoned waves.

This was at first a personal school project, which turned into just a personal project after being cancelled by the school, it took me 15 days to imagine the concept and complete this document.

Check out the Document here :


Unity Game Developer

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